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Click on the Chamber Guides button to learn more about our events, sponsorship or membership.

Interested in a ribbon cutting to kick off your business, celebrate a milestone, or to help increase your business?  Search "Ribbon Cuttings" and let the GBACOC help.

Looking for a way to connect?  The GBACOC offers a wide range of options.  Check out our Marketing Mashups, 8:01/12:01/5:01, Women's Business Networking Events, and more.

The Brighton Farmers Market is right around the corner.  Check out the monthly themes and find ways to get involved as a business or as a patron.  Search Farmers Market

Thank You to our Strategic & Major Business Sponsors

Brighton Chamber Podcast

How do entrepreneurs get the courage and knowledge to start their own business? What steps do businesses take to get them through the lean times? Now that you know, what you know, what would you do differently today? What technology should you be using today?

Listen in to the Chamber Podcast as host Rob Johnson of Speakeasy Podcasts interviews Chamber members as well as other high profile guests throughout the year to get their answer to questions like these and many others. 

For surprising business insight guiding you to industry leading success.

Listen on Apple, Spotify, Google, Facebook and YouTube.

Brighton Aesthetics-Chamber Podcast

Hosted on Sounder.FM I Streaming on the Speakeasy Podcast Network

Enjoy on these great platforms!

It’s a great time to grow your business

Join us as a guest on the Chamber Podcast!

Are you looking for a way to get your message out about a product or service you offer?

Do you have breaking news you’d like to share with people in Livingston County and beyond? 

Want to reach thousands of potential new customers?

A podcast is a great way to gain attention and spread awareness about a business, cause, mission or viewpoint. Podcasts can be consumed on-the-go and are forever-available on the platforms they're distributed on. The Greater Brighton Area Chamber of Commerce podcast will be available on Apple, Spotify, Google, and Sounder FM.

We are excited to learn about the businesses at a deeper level within the Chamber as well as spread awareness throughout the community about what's happening at each business.

Sponsorship Opportunities:

Another great way to get involved with the Chamber Podcast is by being a sponsor. This can bring value in a number of ways including:

  • Local – brand awareness
  • Backlink on the podcast episode for increased SEO
  • Target audience – reach thousands in Livingston County
  • Promote a product or service
  • Analytics report can be provided showing number of listeners, click-thru-rate (CTR), and more!

Grow your brand!

Podcast Sponsorship Rates

$100/1x Podcast Sponsorship
$360/4x 1 month podcast sponsorship ($90/week) 10% discount
$1,020/12x 3 month podcast sponsorship ($85/week) 15% discount
$2,080/26 weeks 6 months podcast sponsorship ($80/week) 20% discount
$3,640/52 weeks 1 year podcast sponsorship ($70/wk) 30% discount