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Lake Trust a& the GBACOC invite you to join us at the Brighton Business Expo.  Tons of great speakers and opportunities.  Type NEWS in the search bar to learn more.

Thank You to our Strategic & Major Business Sponsors

farmers market logo

Brighton Farmers’ Market

The Greater Brighton Area Chamber of Commerce and Annual Sponsor Bank of Ann Arbor, are pleased to announce that the Brighton Farmers’ Market opens in May.

The market runs each Saturday from 8:00 am – 1:00 pm from May through October in the City’s Municipal Parking Lot located at 200 N. First Street in downtown Brighton. The market features foods sold directly by farmers to consumers. Plant nurseries and food vendors are also featured. The market has an artisan focus and features arts and crafts from local talent. The perfect gifts can be found at the Brighton Farmer’s Market, from Mother’s Day to Father’s Day to birthday or anniversaries!

The Brighton Farmers Market is an economic development generator for the City of Brighton. People travel far and wide to attend these events. 

To participate as a vendor at the Brighton Farmers Market, please contact Aimee Zak at 810-819-7990 or by email at

The Greater Brighton Area Chamber of Commerce wishes to thank Bank of Ann Arbor and Cooper & Binkley Jewelers for their tremendous support of the Brighton Farmers Market.

Thank you to our
Brighton Farmers’ Market Major Sponsors

Podcast-Brighton Farmers Market-Monee

Farm Fresh Friday

Tune in every Friday to hear Brighton Farmers' Market Manager Monee Phipps give her Farmers Market report on WHMI 93.5 Bosch and Madison in the Morning. Learn about what's in season, recipe ideas, the SNAP-EBT cards, Project Fresh, Senior Project Fresh and more!


Livingston county sour dough girls

Rain or Shine the Market is Open!

8:00 am - 1:00 pm

City of Brighton
Municipal Parking Lot
200 N. First Street
Brighton, MI

arms creek farm visits 2
Canoe shelves
cheesecake ladies 3
1st tomatoes of 22

Food Access Snap & WIC at the Markets

We run a robust food assistance program run by the State of Michigan and the USDA. We accept WIC Project Fresh Coupon, Senior Project fresh as well as SNAP ( EBT Bridge cards) benefits.

We also partner with Trinity Health systems to support the Prescription for Heath program.