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Follow us on social media or search NEWS to her about all the exciting things happening at the GBACOC.

Click on the Chamber Guides button to learn more about our events, sponsorship or membership.

Interested in a ribbon cutting to kick off your business, celebrate a milestone, or to help increase your business?  Search "Ribbon Cuttings" and let the GBACOC help.

Looking for a way to connect?  The GBACOC offers a wide range of options.  Check out our Marketing Mashups, 8:01/12:01/5:01, Women's Business Networking Events, and more.

The Brighton Farmers Market is right around the corner.  Check out the monthly themes and find ways to get involved as a business or as a patron.  Search Farmers Market

Thank You to our Strategic & Major Business Sponsors

Join the Chamber

Pinckney Putnam Hamburg HellWhat a great time to be a part of the Greater Brighton region. Our area continues to grow as well as our Chamber.  A regional chamber with members located all across Livingston County and southeast Michigan. With three divisions: Lyon Area, Pinckney, Putnam Hamburg, Hell and Whitmore Lake Chambers of Commerce, you can be a part of something big. 


Our Chamber is at the center of community development, working to ensure economic prosperity. Hosting signature events that draw hundreds of thousands from within and around the community, there are numerous opportunities for you to market and grow your business. Professional development, health benefits, member-to-member discount programs, the list continues to grow. 


We are grateful for your partnership and the investment you are making in the Greater Brighton Area Chamber of Commerce. There has never been a better time to get involved.


For more information on becoming a member of the Greater Brighton Area Chamber of Commerce or surrounding area contact Karen Storey, Director of Membership and Sponsorship at


For more information on becoming a member of Whitmore Lake, Pinckney Putnam Hamburg Hell (PPHH), or the Lyon Area Chambers contact Michelle Tokan, Division Director at

Renewing Your Membership?

Thank you for your continued investment in the Greater Brighton Area Chamber of Commerce and in the Livingston County economy. To renew online, please visit the Members’ Only portal, and have your log-in credentials ready. Need log-in credentials? Click here. We’re here to help! Or simply call us at 810.227.5086.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Are you looking for ways to market your business and grow your brand? We have a variety of options to fit your unique business needs.

  • Annual Business Sponsorship
  • Event Sponsorship
  • Chamber Podcast Sponsor
  • Digital Advertising
  • ... and more

For additional information click on our Chamber Guides button at the top of the page.